Versi Bahasa Indonesia
561. "Seluruh kehidupan Kristus merupakan pengajaran yang terus menerus: saat-saat Ia berdiam diri, mukjizat-mukjizat-Nya, tingkah laku-Nya, doa-Nya, cinta-Nya terhadap rakyat, keakraban-Nya yang mesra khususnya terhadap mereka yang hina dan miskin, caranya Ia menerima pengurbanan Diri seutuhnya di kayu salib demi penebusan dunia, dan kebangkitan-Nya merupakan perwujudan nyata Sabda-Nya dan kepenuhan pewahyuan." (CT 9).
562. "Semua anggota harus menyerupai Kristus, sampai Ia terbentuk dalam mereka (lih. Gal 4:19). Maka dari itu kita diperkenankan memasuki misteri-misteri hidup-Nya, disamakan dengan-Nya, ikut mati dan bangkit bersama dengan-Nya, hingga kita ikut memerintah bersama dengan-Nya" (L G 7).
563. Apakah seorang itu gembala atau ahli nujum, di dunia ini ia tidak dapat datang kepada Allah, kecuali ia berlutut di depan palungan Betlehem dan menyembah Dia sebagai yang tersembunyi dalam kelemahan seorang bayi.
564. Oleh kepatuhan-Nya kepada Maria dan Yosef dan melalui pekerjaan-Nya yang sederhana bertahun-tahun di Nasaret, Yesus memberi kepada kita contoh kekudusan dalam kehidupan kekeluargaan sehari-hari dan dalam pekerjaan.565. Sudah sejak awal kehidupan-Nya di muka umum, waktu Pembaptisan-Nya, Yesus adalah "Hamba Allah", yang seluruhnya ditahbiskan kepada karya penebusan, yang akan diselesaikan dalam "pembaptisan" kesengsaraan-Nya.
566. Waktu godaan di padang gurun Yesus menampakkan Diri sebagai Mesias yang rendah hati, yang mengalahkan setan oleh kesetiaan-Nya yang bulat kepada rencana keselamatan yang dikehendaki Bapa.
567. Dengan perantaraan Kristus mulailah di dunia Kerajaan surga. "Kerajaan ini gemilang di depan manusia dalam sabda, karya, dan kehadiran Kristus" (LG 5). Gereja adalah benih dan awal Kerajaan ini . Kunci-kuncinya dipercayakan kepada Petrus.
568. Perubahan rupa Kristus hendak menguatkan iman para Rasul menjelang kesengsaraan yang akan datang. Kenaikan ke "gunung yang tinggi" mempersiapkan kenaikan ke gunung Kalvari. Kristus, Kepala Gereja, mewahyukan, apa yang Tubuh-Nya miliki dan sinarkan dalam Sakramen-Sakramen: "harapan akan kemuliaan" (Kol 1:27).1
569. Yesus telah naik dengan sukarela ke Yerusalem dalam kesadaran bahwa di sana Ia akan mati secara kejam, karena perlawanan dari pihak pendosa.2
570. Masuknya Yesus ke Yerusalem memberi kesaksian tentang kedatangan Kerajaan Allah. Mesias-Raja, yang diterima oleh anak-anak dan orang-orang yang rendah hati di kota-Nya, akan menegakkannya melalui Paskah kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya.
Versi Bahasa Inggris
Read the Catechism: Day 82 |
Part1:The Profession of Faith (26 - 1065)
Section2:The Profession of the Christian Faith (185 - 1065)
Chapter2:I Believe in Jesus Christ, the Only Son of God (422 - 682)
Article3:"He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and was born of the Virgin Mary" (456 - 570)
Paragraph3:The Mysteries of Christ's Life (512 - 570)
561 "The whole of Christ's life was a continual teaching: his silences, his miracles, his gestures, his prayer, his love for people, his special affection for the little and the poor, his acceptance of the total sacrifice on the Cross for the redemption of the world, and his Resurrection are the actualization of his word and the fulfillment of Revelation" John Paul II, CT 9).
562 Christ's disciples are to conform themselves to him until he is formed in them (cf. Gal 4:19). "For this reason we, who have been made like to him, who have died with him and risen with him, are taken up into the mysteries of his life, until we reign together with him" (LG 7 § 4).
563 No one, whether shepherd or wise man, can approach God here below except by kneeling before the manger at Bethlehem and adoring him hidden in the weakness of a new-born child.
564 By his obedience to Mary and Joseph, as well as by his humble work during the long years in Nazareth, Jesus gives us the example of holiness in the daily life of family and work.
565 From the beginning of his public life, at his baptism, Jesus is the "Servant", wholly consecrated to the redemptive work that he will accomplish by the "baptism" of his Passion.
566 The temptation in the desert shows Jesus, the humble Messiah, who triumphs over Satan by his total adherence to the plan of salvation willed by the Father.
567 The kingdom of heaven was inaugurated on earth by Christ. "This kingdom shone out before men in the word, in the works and in the presence of Christ" (LG 5). The Church is the seed and beginning of this kingdom. Its keys are entrusted to Peter.
568 Christ's Transfiguration aims at strengthening the apostles' faith in anticipation of his Passion: the ascent on to the "high mountain" prepares for the ascent to Calvary. Christ, Head of the Church, manifests what his Body contains and radiates in the sacraments: "the hope of glory" (Col 1:27; cf.: St. Leo the Great, Sermo 51, 3: PL 54, 310C).
569 Jesus went up to Jerusalem voluntarily, knowing well that there he would die a violent death because of the opposition of sinners (cf. Heb 12:3).
570 Jesus' entry into Jerusalem manifests the coming of the kingdom that the Messiah-King, welcomed into his city by children and the humble of heart, is going to accomplish by the Passover of his Death and Resurrection.
Dig deeper: Scriptural and other references for today's section here.
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